
life of The Programmer

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Pet Projects

purely for fun, and my use :P


Utility cmd application wrapper around gcloud compute to add ssh keys to compute machines with filter. (golang) code


An echo server you could run locally to view the request data. You could add filter on methods, url (body, regex yet to do) and see it. (golang) code


Helper shell scripts - which is of use at times, and at times needed the most. Just like stark’s dum-e


Flying crazyflie quadcopter without controller, and using laptop like we do in game was absolute fun. seeing both hardware and software play together and seeing action, we should do it often.

code video presented in pycon 2016


Everytime i had to setup laptop fresh, it was a big task, with ansible automated the requirements, mostly for me :) code

Sublime packages

Wrote few sublime packages, obviously starting for my need.

This was really nice, wish i had/have time to maintain and add more documentation to reach more users.

There were projects over time to learn languages, concepts. Fun projects stands out, and when there’s a need and users we tend to build and maintain it. Its really hard to market it than building.