Kubernetes Cheatsheet
For instance, we’ll consider placeholder name as revoir-service, format could be json|yaml|wide|name
create a new deployment/service from yaml definition
kubectl create -f revoir-service.yaml
post creation you can watch pods coming up
kubectl get pods -w
To get deployment details as yaml
kubectl get deploy/revoir-service -o yaml
To view logs, port-forward you don’t need specific pod, you can do the same with deployment, it’ll use a random pod
useful as you want to associate logs with time--tail=lastN
kubectl logs -f deploy/revoir-service --timestamps --tail=1
You can filter resources like pod/deployment/service/… with label
kubectl get pods -l 'release=revoir-service'
Forward a port from k8s pod 8080 to localhost 8090
kubectl port-forward deploy/revoir-service 8090:8080
Admin Commands
get top [nodes|pods]
resource consumption
can be passed forsort-by
kubectl top nodes --sort-by='cpu'
if you’re on k8s version older than 1.18, to deal with sort issue pipe to sort
kubectl top nodes --sort-by='cpu' | sort --reverse --key 3 --numeric
once you’ve found top nodes, to get pods specific to a node
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o wide --field-selector spec.nodeName=gke-cluster-node-name
scale replicas for a deployment
kubectl scale deployment/revoir-service --replicas=4
if max replicas limit is reached then this command wouldn’t have any effects beyond the limit
rolling restart of all pods in deployment
kubectl rollout restart deploy/revoir-service
Official k8s cheatsheet