1 minute read

Go Commands Cheatsheet

List of commands we use around go ecosystem. considering for instance revoir-service as the repository


run small single file programs locally, without generating binary

go run main.go
# if there are multiple files you can do `go run *.go`

Fix formatting along with imports

goimports -l -w . # -w fixes the issues inline, -l list the files

build the go binary for production

# race flag enables data race detection
go build -race . -o ./bin/server

# if main.go is part of different directory say `cmd/server/main.go`
go build -race ./cmd/server

# inject value for `version` variables at runtime with golinker
go build -ldflags="-X 'main.version=1.1.0'"

go install .  # installs the binary in $GOPATH/bin directory and can run similar to other cmdline tools like `ls`

Build, source env vars and run in oneline

go build && source ./local.env && ./revoir-service

download a package as dependency

go get -v github.com/stretchr/testify@v1.7.0 # remove @vMajor.minor.patch to get latest version of gomodule

# if you've private go module dependencies
GOPRIVATE=org.github.io GOSUMDB=off GOPROXY=direct go build -x -v

Go Modules

go mod init # create go.mod and go.sum file after creating go module
go mod tidy # adds missing and removes unused dependency
go mod why github.com/gorilla/mux # explain why packages or modules are needed
go mod vendor # downloads dependency to vendor directory, avoid this unless it's really necessary


debug gRPC based applications


# list all packages in this module
go list ./...


go test -bench=. -v -benchtime=10s
go test -race ./... # runs tests on all packages


Package renaming

To rename a package from revoir-service to revoir-api to different org we-impact

fgrep -rl '/cmd' . --include=*.go | xargs -L1 sed   -E  's!/github.com/weimpact/revoir-service!github.com/we-impact/revoir-api!g'


Use golangci lint to run multiple linter tools.

curl -sSfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/golangci/golangci-lint/master/install.sh | sh -s -- -b bin/ v1.30.0
        bin/golangci-lint run -v --deadline 5m0s

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