1 minute read


Kafka is distributed event streaming platform. You can adopt event driven architecture which helps for high scale systems. This’s similar pubsub model.

kafka pubsub

In this case p1,p2 are producers, c1,c2,ci are consumers. Group of consumers can consume from same topic and kafka will enable assign/split data to consumers so it’s not processed twice.

Running Kafka

Install kafka (zookeeper’ll be installed as dependency), and start it locally

brew reinstall kafka kafkacat
brew services start kafka

Verify with metadata

kafkacat is a tool which you can use to produce and consume messages from kafka.

run the following command to get the cluster metadata of topic __consumer-offsets

kafkacat -L -b localhost:9092 -t __consumer-offsets
Metadata for __consumer-offsets (from broker -1: localhost:9092/bootstrap):
 1 brokers:
  broker 0 at ip:9092 (controller)
 1 topics:
  topic "__consumer-offsets" with 10 partitions:
    partition 0, leader 0, replicas: 0, isrs: 0
    partition 1, leader 0, replicas: 0, isrs: 0
    partition 2, leader 0, replicas: 0, isrs: 0
    partition 3, leader 0, replicas: 0, isrs: 0
    partition 4, leader 0, replicas: 0, isrs: 0
    partition 5, leader 0, replicas: 0, isrs: 0
    partition 6, leader 0, replicas: 0, isrs: 0
    partition 7, leader 0, replicas: 0, isrs: 0
    partition 8, leader 0, replicas: 0, isrs: 0
    partition 9, leader 0, replicas: 0, isrs: 0

The total partitions/result could differ based on default config. currently we’ve 1 broker in cluster.

Publishing messages

kafkacat -P -b localhost:9092 -t sample-events

You can alternatively do the same with kafka-consule-consumer. ensure /usr/local/bin is added to PATH env variable.

kafka-console-producer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic sample-events

Consuming messages

kafkacat -C -b localhost:9092 -t sample-events -o beginning

Use the following to run with kafka-console-producer

kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic sample-events

The demo have top 2 panes, which have 2 producers producing to same topic sample-events and two different consumers on bottom pane consuming events from the topic. kafka consumer producer demo If your platform is linux based tools would be shell files, so use kafka-console-producer.sh instead of kafka-console-producer


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